How to set up "Related Content" within a Document ...
3 - The "math" behind how we sequence the related ...
3 - The "math" behind how we sequence the related assets
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Now that you understand how metadata is the critical information that drives the relatedness between any two assets in the same document repository, you might ask, hey, when I click on it, there are five things that's related, but how does OASIS determine what is on the left most and how does OASIS sequence these? The way that OASIS sequence this is actually very simple. Notice that the ankle injury show up first before high ankle sprain. So the way that the OASIS sequence them is, on the left-hand side, this is a PDF that we're looking at. So this PDF, and over on the right-hand side, I have two assets I want to use as example. This is the high ankle sprain, which is the second video. And this one, the ankle injury, is the first video. So the question is, why does OASIS display this one first and this one second as related to this ankle? If you click on the little icon, you will notice this PDF actually have two metadata associated with it. And the high ankle sprain, if you look at it, it only has one, whereas this one have two. Most importantly, the two are the same. So the way that OASIS does calculation is, will have a score that is zero if the two asset does not have any common metatags. But if they have common metatags, and the common meaning the same topic and the same key value for the metatag, then for each common metatag pair, we're going to add one to the score. So in this example, what's on the left, this PDF has a related score of two with the ankle injury, and it only has a related score of one for the high ankle sprain. And that is why in OASIS, you will have, that's how we sequence them. And obviously, in very likely event that you have multiple asset that has the same score, it's going to be a little bit undeterministic, as in, let's say these two both have a one, we may not know exactly which one is going to be displayed first. Last thing I want to mention, when you start adding your metadata is, the generation in the backend to calculate how each asset is related to each other is not in real time. In other words, if you start adding the metadata and they jump over to the learner side, you may not see it affect the sequencing of the related asset in real time. The reason is that the calculation is very expensive, takes very long time. So we don't want to keep running that expensive process if you're constantly updating the metadata. So once you have finished updating the metadata, you want to go to the metadata tag, you can click on this update related asset list. That will do the calculation in one time. Or you can say, you know what, I'll just make the update and I'll walk away. And OASIS will redo the calculation every day. So even if you don't click on this button, we will do the math, we just don't do the math constantly. We'll do it the next day so that you will be 100% matching the latest version of the metadata. Thank you.
Video Summary
OASIS determines the sequence of related assets by comparing metadata. Assets are scored based on shared metatags; shared tags with the same topic and key value add to the score. For example, a PDF with two shared tags ranks higher than a video with one, hence appears first. If scores tie, display order can be indeterminate. Metadata updates do not reflect in real-time since calculations are resource-intensive. Users can manually update related assets, or the system recalculates daily to ensure alignment with the most recent metadata changes.
related assets
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